Net Metering Solar Systems, Solar Power Plant & Solar Projects in Pakistan - EPC, PPA
Net Metering Solar Systems, Solar Power Plant & Solar Projects in Pakistan - EPC, PPA
We design and install solar systems according to your needs and requirements keeping in view the available roof space at your premises for a optimum design and insure performance of the Solar System over its designed life.
We carefully select the best Solar components from leading tier 1 brands to insure quality and performance so that it meets your expectations long term and provides you the savings. Our Solar Panels and Solar Inverters are all Tier 1.
Experienced electrical engineers who have experience of installing solar systems for over 10 years insure that all safeties & protections are built in & your plant performs according to international solar system standards
We work with all the leading Banks in Pakistan to arrange competitive Solar Financing for your solar projects, our partner Banks include JS Bank, Meezan, Faysal and Al Falah Bank among others for Solar Financing for Solar Systems
For large Utility Scale Solar Projects our experienced Project Management team of over 50+ Inhouse Engineers insure to review and avoid any mistakes which may lead a deterioration of performance in your solar project.
As part of our Asset management division we operate & maintain solar power plants to insure they meet yields that increase your savings and provide reliable after sales & Service to insure the designed life of Solar System is maintained.